Inspiration – Mshale The African Community Newspaper Wed, 02 May 2012 17:54:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Inspiration – Mshale 32 32 Success is within us! Mon, 11 Apr 2011 19:24:00 +0000 ]]> Too often, we give others the authority to define our identity and also to define what success is in our life. Approval from others or external sources is unnecessary because God validated us before we were born.

True success rests within us. God desires us to be ourselves; we were created to be an original. We are designed for uniqueness and we are meant to be one-of-a kind on earth. When we take action to use our own gifts and talents to make a difference in the lives of others, we will be on the right path

When we are pleased with ourselves, we never will need to seek approval for success through the opinions of others. All the ingredients needed to achieve fulfillment start with accepting the unique identity given to us by God.

Remember: If we don’t discover our true identity from God, we will never be able to live according to our true self. What lies deep within our heart gives the true picture of what we’re all about. Success is locked up in our God-given ability.

Inner Peace Sat, 02 Jan 2010 22:24:00 +0000 When we accept Christ into our lives we don’t have to be worry.  All anxieties and worry should be rolled over to the Lord.  We have the ability to make a choice to focus on worry or inner peace.

When we accept Christ into our lives we don’t have to be worry.  All anxieties and worry should be rolled over to the Lord.  We have the ability to make a choice to focus on worry or inner peace.   

Allowing worry to infiltrate thoughts paralyzes movement toward our God-given purpose in life.  Time spent in worry is useless time.  There is no benefit gained from all the energy expended in worry and fear.  

It is my prayer that each person gets to the place God has prepared for them. This is the place where everlasting peace will dominate thoughts, decisions and actions.  When we put our faith in God, we can be assured the Lord will get us to our destination.  

When we firmly trust the inner peace within us, we won’t need to spend worrying about roads taken in life.  God is the way-maker.  God knows the answer to every problem faced.  We will have inner peace when we “buckle-up” with the word of God and partner with Him in all that we do.   As believers, we can have peace while the world around us is in turmoil.

Remember:  Inner peace comes from our relationship with the Lord; it causes us to triumph over problems.  Inner peace is dependent on the sufficiency and strength of Christ.  Inner peace passes understanding; it is deep, stable, selfless, genuine and real. Inner peace is independent of circumstances since it comes from within and can’t be lost.

Stay Focused! Tue, 01 Dec 2009 06:09:00 +0000 Life takes many twists and turns. Our response to everyday situations faced can have significant impact on our future life. We can learn great lessons from Bible characters who were distracted from their God-given purpose and, therefore, weren’t able to respond well to the situations they faced.  Their decisions impacted their life. 

Life takes many twists and turns. Our response to everyday situations faced can have significant impact on our future life. We can learn great lessons from Bible characters who were distracted from their God-given purpose and, therefore, weren’t able to respond well to the situations they faced.  Their decisions impacted their life.  

For example, Adam and Eve lost their comfort in life; Samson lost his vision and King Saul lost his anointing.   God’s purpose in life stands through it all. Keeping our focus on God’s purpose will prevent distractions from robbing us of our destiny.

It is my prayer that each person holds firmly onto the promises of God despite pressures, influences and distractions to do otherwise. We need to continually draw on the Apostle Paul who fought the good fight of faith to finish the race.  As we face situations in our daily work, we should base our response and reaction on the foundation of purpose God has destined for us.

Remember:  Without a life of purpose, we won’t fulfilled and enjoy the true benefits and blessings that God has predestined for us.  What we set our heart on will determine how we spend our life.

Lasting Memories! Sun, 01 Nov 2009 06:00:00 +0000 We draw on our memories to function in life. If the memories we store are based on a pessimistic view of life, we won’t function according to God’s plan.

We draw on our memories to function in life. If the memories we store are based on a pessimistic view of life, we won’t function according to God’s plan.

The good news is we have the power to keep or reject the memories we store. God views situations based on opportunity. Seeing things from God’s view produces good memories; seeing things from a negative or pessimistic view produces dark memories. When Jesus saw fish, He saw abundance.

Matthew 6:23 points out that our eyes are like lamps – if our eyes are good, light will flow from the lamp; if our eyes are bad, the lamp will only give off darkness.  How we view life determines the quality and nature of the memories we store. 

Following God’s plan for our life means we should view situations based on opportunities instead of misfortunes.

Remember:  Memories are the bank account of life where we make deposits daily. Although we can’t be separated from our memories, we can choose which ones we let influence our daily lives.

Stay on Course Thu, 01 Oct 2009 06:10:00 +0000

Creating a mental picture of the future provides a target to advance toward. With God’s guidance, we should create a clear visual picture of where we desire to be in the future.

Creating a mental picture of the future provides a target to advance toward. With God’s guidance, we should create a clear visual picture of where we desire to be in the future. 

Our will is the gatekeeper for decisions we make about distractions encountered.  We can either choose to act on distractions or we can choose to stay focused on the visual picture of God’s future destiny for our life.

The Lord provides us with a road map to travel on life’s highway.  We need to stay in the right lane of life or we will find ourselves taking detours that lead to dead-ends.  The most direct access to our future destiny is by following God’s direction and plan. 

We should consistently seek the Lord’s help to keep our guard up so that distractions don’t impact our thoughts and heart.  We get this help through God’s word and promise.  Proverbs 4:23 tells us to “guard our heart.” Keeping our heart right will further ensure that we are aligned with God’s plan for our future.  

Remember:  Whatever dominates our soul will likely be experienced in our life.

“We are limited, not by our abilities, but by our vision – anonymous.

Cause and Effect! Tue, 01 Sep 2009 19:43:00 +0000 For the most part, nothing happens in life without our permission.  We are constantly confronted with “cause and effect” relationships. A cause is something that makes something happen; the effect is what happens as a result of the cause.

For the most part, nothing happens in life without our permission.  We are constantly confronted with “cause and effect” relationships. A cause is something that makes something happen; the effect is what happens as a result of the cause.

When we live life according to God’s word (“the cause”), the “effect” will be the creation of memories that leave a positive record for the next generation.
Deuteronomy 30:19 (NLT) points this out to us clearly. It states, “Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!  Life is standing by watching us. 

God won’t make the decision for us but He has recommended the answer. We have the power to deny decisions and choices that cause negative effects in our thinking, actions and behaviors in life.    

Remember:  The biggest responsibility that each one of us has as individuals is the ability to make decisions.  Today’s decisions are designing tomorrow’s conditions.  More than anything else, it is our decisions, not the conditions of our lives that determine our future.

Words of Victory! Mon, 03 Aug 2009 19:37:00 +0000 The words we speak are powerful tools for achieving our goals and dreams in life.  Claiming dominion over situations through the statements we make will keep our mind focused on solutions versus problems.

The words we speak are powerful tools for achieving our goals and dreams in life.  Claiming dominion over situations through the statements we make will keep our mind focused on solutions versus problems.

When we are consistently aligned with God, we have the power to speak life into all that the Lord has promised to us.  On the other hand, words of darkness and negativity will keep us in a “doom and gloom” position in life.
1 Samuel 17:40-41 shows us how David boldly rejected the opposition by refusing to speak words that contradicted his belief system.  We must be vigilant and determined not to give in to negative statements that cancel out God’s promises. Influences of negativity are waiting for us to bring them to life through our words and thoughts.
Consistently speaking out words of victory, promise and hope even during challenging times is important in order to reach our goals and dreams.
Remember: When we lack confidence in God, we actually speak faith into circumstances and influences that are working against us.

View from the Top Wed, 01 Jul 2009 19:35:00 +0000 God wants us to see life from His point of view.  This is truly the “view from the top”.  This is an expansive, sweeping view of the future landscape for our lives. 

God wants us to see life from His point of view.  This is truly the “view from the top”.  This is an expansive, sweeping view of the future landscape for our lives. 

This view is rich with seeds for growth which can produce bountiful opportunity for advancement.  Taking the step to view life from the “top” requires effort on our part to put thoughts and actions that deter us from God’s view into a state of “solitary confinement.”
This requires our receptivity to understand and continually follow God’s instructions and wisdom. 

Focusing our mindset, time and activities on God’s view opens up countless opportunities. This view is priceless – it is a view that will cause freedom in thinking and action so that we can capture and act on the endless possibilities the Lord has planned for our lives. 
Remember:  God’s view is the level our thinking should advance toward.  We won’t rise any higher than the limits we place on our mind. Our mindset is what activates and releases whatever happens in our life

Courage Mon, 01 Jun 2009 00:31:00 +0000 Courage is the fuel that powers our ability to believe that all things are possible in our life. Courage fuels action and advancement; fear fuels passivity and mediocrity.

Courage is the fuel that powers our ability to believe that all things are possible in our life. Courage fuels action and advancement; fear fuels passivity and mediocrity.

Problems can’t be solved at the level they were created; courage fortifies our capacity to stand firmly on the level of problem-solving needed for long-term impact. It takes personal courage to make tough decisions.

Courage is needed, as well, to adjust to the rapid pace of change going on in our world today. Truly understanding that God’s principles for life are all we need to guide our decision-making frees the power of courage within us.By doing this, we are able to face situations on a day-to-day basis with boldnesss and wisdom from the Lord. Courage is power – it reinforces the full use of our mind and spirit.

When our mind and spirit is aligned we operate on all cylinders.

Remember:  Without courage, the greatness within us may not come to reality. When we live our life with courage we won’t be pulled off track by changing circumstances.

God’s Stimulus Package Fri, 01 May 2009 19:26:00 +0000 Good news!  There is a special spiritual stimulus package all signed, sealed and ready for delivery to us. This package includes God’s love, blood, forgiveness and acceptance. 

The entire contents of this package are guaranteed for eternity.  His love is so immense that he gave His only son for us. His love endures all things so that we can be put back together again. His blood is the covenant made with us.

Good news!  There is a special spiritual stimulus package all signed, sealed and ready for delivery to us. This package includes God’s love, blood, forgiveness and acceptance.  

The entire contents of this package are guaranteed for eternity.  His love is so immense that he gave His only son for us. His love endures all things so that we can be put back together again. His blood is the covenant made with us.

We can’t blame others; rather, He wants us to acknowledge our errors. His blood cleanses what we confess. His forgiveness breaks the link between our failures and us as individuals.When God forgives us, he breaks the link with our past.

His acceptance is all the validation we will ever need. He accepts us regardless of performance. All we need to do is believe in Him.  The best news is that God’s original stimulus package of salvation is always available -it is signed, sealed and ready for delivery if we are ready to accept it!

Remember:  Forgiveness is not a memory lapse; it is releasing painful memories of the past.  He never consults your past to predict your future.
